3rd FLxFlow Course

The Champalimaud Foundation Flow Cytometry Platform co-organized with IGC, iMM and CEDOC the third edition of the FLxFlow Course: Principles and Applications of Flow Cytometry. In 2021 and due to the pandemic situation, the course was online through videoconference platform.

This course covered basic and advanced cytometry topics and comprise lectures taught by national and international experts in the field. This was an international course that received over 150 participants from Portuguese and foreign academic and non-academic institutions.



We have reached the limit of subscribers for this edition.


Speakers and Trainers

FLxFlow Team

Ana Vieira (Champalimaud Foundation)

Cláudia Andrade (CEDOC)

Mariana Fernandes (iMM – João Lobo Antunes)

Marta Monteiro (IGC)

Invited Speakers

Andrew Filby (Newcastle University)

José Rino (iMM – João Lobo Antunes)

Rui Gardner (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center)

Joanne Lannigan (Flow Cytometry Support Services, LLC)

