5th FLxFlow Course

This course will cover basic and advanced cytometry topics and comprise lectures and practical modules taught by national and international experts in the field. Cytometry applications will be offered at all levels, targeted at both beginners and advanced users, and will be taught on different instruments in hands-on sessions. This will be an international course that last editions received over 400 participants from Portuguese and from foreign academic and non-academic institutions.


FLxFlow Team

Invited Speakers

Preliminary Program


FMUL/CAML PhD Students – Free

Applications will be submitted on https://fenix.medicina.ulisboa.pt

Applicants who already have a @campus.ul.pt account (who are attending or have attended a course at the Faculdade de Medicina), must start the application at https://fenix.medicina.ulisboa.pt/application.

To access must log in with the Campus account and then access the Candidate menu (at the top of the page) to start the application.

If you don’t remember the username or password of the account click HERE and follow the instructions for the recovery of the username or password.  If you cannot retrieve your username or password trough the recovery mechanism, you should send an email to the address suporte@medicina.ulisboa.pt with the following data: full name; student number; course number identification; ID number (BI/CC); External email.

Applicants who do not have a @campus.ul.pt account (Fenix) should register HERE. After creating your account you will receive in your email the username after which can start the formalization of the application in https://fenix.medicina.ulisboa.pt.

For further questions please contact: camlphd@medicina.ulisboa.pt


Instituto de Medicina Molecular João Lobo Antunes
Edifício Egas Moniz
Avenida Professor Egas Moniz
1649-028 Lisboa, Portugal

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4th FLxFlow Course

This course will cover basic and advanced cytometry topics and comprise lectures and practical modules taught by national and international experts in the field. Cytometry applications will be offered at all levels, targeted at both beginners and advanced users, and will be taught on different instruments in hands-on sessions. This will be an international course that last editions received over 300 participants from Portuguese and from foreign academic and non-academic institutions.


FLxFlow Team

Invited Speakers



Click here to register – CLOSED


Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown
Avenida Brasília,
1400-038 Lisbon, Portugal

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If you are interested in sponsoring FLxFlow Course, please fill the form:


2nd FLxFlow Course

The 2nd FLxFlow Course covered the fundamentals of flow cytometry technology and built up the knowledge of the attendees through a series of lectures, exercises, practical examples and interactive learning. The course was designed to ensure that the attendees were confident to design, carry out, analyse and present their flow cytometry data. It consisted of three modules: basic, advanced and hands-on.

Invited Speakers


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left to right: Claudia Dumrese, Tim Bushnell, Rui Gardner, Ana Vieira, José Rino, Cláudia Andrade, Marta Monteiro

1st FLxFlow Course

left to right: José Rino, Marta Monteiro, Alexandre Salvador, Tim Bushnell, Derek Davies, Cláudia Andrade and Ana Vieira

The 1st FLxFlow course introduced the basic principles and applications of flow cytometry to beginners. From fluorophores and panel design, instruments operation, required controls and statistical analysis to data publication and potential applications. The course consisted of theoretical talks and practical sessions with remote teaching where students learned how to set up an experiment, run a multi-color experiment, perform compensation and analyze data. There were also practical hands-on sessions in immunophenotyping, cell cycle, cell death & apoptosis and imaging flow cytometry.

Invited Speakers


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3rd FLxFlow Course

The Champalimaud Foundation Flow Cytometry Platform co-organized with IGC, iMM and CEDOC the third edition of the FLxFlow Course: Principles and Applications of Flow Cytometry. In 2021 and due to the pandemic situation, the course was online through videoconference platform.

This course covered basic and advanced cytometry topics and comprise lectures taught by national and international experts in the field. This was an international course that received over 150 participants from Portuguese and foreign academic and non-academic institutions.



We have reached the limit of subscribers for this edition.


Speakers and Trainers

FLxFlow Team

Ana Vieira (Champalimaud Foundation)

Cláudia Andrade (CEDOC)

Mariana Fernandes (iMM – João Lobo Antunes)

Marta Monteiro (IGC)

Invited Speakers

Andrew Filby (Newcastle University)

José Rino (iMM – João Lobo Antunes)

Rui Gardner (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center)

Joanne Lannigan (Flow Cytometry Support Services, LLC)

